Is this menopause? Introducing the types of menopausal symptoms that are likely to appear and how to deal with them!
For women approaching the period of menopause, whether or not they are prone to menopausal disorders is a matter of concern. Here, we introduce the types of women who are prone to menopausal disorders and tell you how to alleviate painful menopausal symptoms. On the flip side, it can be said that there is a hidden hint to get closer to the type where menopause does not appear. If you feel that you may be the type who is prone to menopause, please refer to this article and review your daily life.
Find out in this article- Causes of menopause
- Characteristics of people prone to menopause
- How to ease the pain of menopause
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What is menopause
Menopausal disorder refers to cases in which a wide variety of symptoms that occur during menopause (the transition period from the reproductive period to the non-reproductive period associated with aging in women) interfere with daily life1 ). Menopause is defined as 10 years, 5 years before menopause and 5 years after menopause. For example, if menopause occurs at age 50, the age from 45 to 55 is generally called menopause. The symptoms associated with fluctuations and declines in female hormones, which are common during this period, are called “menopausal symptoms,” and when menopausal symptoms interfere with daily life, they are called “menopausal disorders.”
Causes of menopause
It is said that the causes of menopausal disorders are related to hormonal changes associated with aging, social factors such as human and family relationships, and psychological factors such as innate personality and growth history 2). Autonomic imbalance symptoms such as hot flashes and sweating appear due to a decrease or deficiency of the female hormone estrogen, and mental symptoms such as malaise, depression, and insomnia appear 2). The symptoms are diverse and vary greatly from person to person, and the symptoms are also affected by stress. There are many people who are depressed compared to other people and suffer because their families do not understand them.
What kind of woman is likely to be the type that makes it easier to feel menopausal symptoms?
Menopause is a kind of stress disorder. As we age, estrogen levels decrease, and menopausal women experience some symptoms. It is said that stress, lifestyle habits, temperament, etc. are affecting the type of people who are prone to "menopause," whose symptoms interfere with their daily lives.
What type of person is more likely to experience menopausal symptoms? Women who tend to be prone to menopause due to their personality
Why do different people experience different symptoms even though they are in the same menopause? It can be said that there are differences in living environments and differences in stress on living environments. Another big factor is the person's personality. Personalities such as methodical, nervous, perfectionist, obsessive, and dependent tend to make menopausal symptoms worse. Relationships with others are also important. If your husband understands you and you have relatives or friends you can talk to, it will be easier for you to overcome the symptoms of menopause.
What are the characteristics of people who are physically more likely to experience menopausal symptoms? Women who are physically prone to menopause
Menopause is said to be a kind of stress disorder, and menopausal symptoms are more likely to be felt if there is strong stress other than the influence of personality. Once you reach your 40s, you will face a period of high stress, such as problems with interpersonal relationships at work, husbands and family relationships, and caring for your parents. If your eating habits are disturbed, your life is irregular, and your rest time is short, your hormone balance will fluctuate more, making menopausal symptoms more likely to worsen. It is also necessary to pay attention to excessive diet that cares about body shape. Also, the cold of the body is easier to worsen the symptoms.
How to ease menopause
The symptoms of menopause vary from person to person, and may be affected by the physical condition and weather of the day. I will tell you how to alleviate the painful symptoms of women who are prone to menopause. If you want to know how to lighten menopause, please do it.
get a prescription at the hospital
The first is to get a prescription from the hospital. Treatment for menopausal disorders can be divided into drug therapy and non-drug therapy. Drug therapy includes hormone replacement therapy, Chinese herbal therapy, and psychotropic drug therapy, while non-drug therapy includes counseling and various psychological therapies2). Hormone replacement therapy has also been shown to be effective for vasomotor symptoms such as hot flashes, sweating, and insomnia1). It is also important to have a detailed examination at a hospital once because the symptoms that you thought were menopausal disorders may actually be caused by other diseases.
Symptomatic relief therapy on the spot
Among the symptoms of menopause, we will introduce relief therapy using hot flashes as an example. Hot flashes are a symptom of low female hormones. It is said that the hypothalamus, which regulates body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, etc., panics due to a decrease in female hormones. When you feel a hot flash, take slow, deep breaths to calm yourself down. It is also effective to incorporate aromas such as lavender, geranium, and clary sage that calm the mind.
Relieve Menopause with Drinks and Food
Eating a well-balanced diet is important to reduce the symptoms of menopause. There is no such thing as OK if you eat only this, and there are things that you should not eat. The recommendation is Japanese food, and let's incorporate green vegetables and seasonal fruits into the fish-centered diet. Please be aware that soy foods contain soy isoflavones that act like female hormones. In addition, bananas and burdocks contain a lot of oligosaccharides and dietary fiber, so they help regulate the intestinal environment.
Read the following articles together → Introducing foods that regulate female hormones
Improve your lifestyle with exercise and sleep
In order to lighten menopausal symptoms, it is also important to incorporate exercise habits into your daily life and get a good night's sleep. It has been concluded that moderate aerobic exercise improves vasomotor disorders such as hot flashes and hot flashes and insomnia, and that even low-intensity exercise can be expected to have a certain effect on menopausal symptoms3). . Menopausal women tend to feel insomnia and daytime sleepiness due to large fluctuations in hormone balance. Rest your body by taking a nap or setting aside time to relax.
Get into the habit of balancing your hormones
Hormonal balance is invisible. For this reason, some people may be worried that they cannot determine whether the physical discomfort they are experiencing is due to the decrease in female hormones due to menopause, or whether it is caused by something else. Here are some hormone tests that you can do at home. It can be used as a self-check before going to the hospital, such as when you feel uncomfortable going to the hospital or when you are too busy to care for yourself. Please use the home hormone checker kit to face your own body.
Check out the canvas inspection kit here .
The symptoms of menopause vary from person to person, and some people suffer from painful symptoms every day, while others do not experience menopause. There is no food that can be cured by eating this much, and there is no drink that works for all symptoms of menopause. There is no clear end sign, so you may be at a loss as to when things will get easier. There are various treatment methods for menopausal disorders that interfere with daily life. Please visit a medical institution once and have a healthy and healthy menopause.
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1) Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology, "Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinical Practice Guidelines - Gynecology Outpatient Edition 2020", 2020
2) Keiko Miyagami et al., “Management of recent menopause,” Showa Gakushikai, Vol.77, No.4, 2017
3) Yumiko Endo et al., ``Examination of exercise prescription for menopausal indefinite complaints'', Descente Sports Science Vol.27, 2006