When does menopause start? Introduction to pre-menopause and symptoms

I thought, "I've been feeling sluggish lately and have a slight fever, so maybe I'm pregnant," and then menstruation came. If you're wondering what this disorder is, maybe it's a symptom of menopause.

You may have heard of menopause, but do you know when is it called menopause and what changes occur in your body during menopause?

In addition, menstrual troubles and menopausal symptoms may gradually appear due to hormonal fluctuations even in the late 30s to early 40s before menopause, and recently it is often called pre-menopause. It is important to know about pre-menopause and menopause before hormone fluctuations become large, and to review lifestyle habits.

Read on to learn more about pre-menopause and menopause.

Find out in this article

  • When does menopause start, what symptoms do you have, and how to treat menopause
  • Pre-menopausal symptoms and treatment methods
  • Lifestyle habits that improve menopause

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When does menopause start?

I'm curious about how old I'm going to say about menopause. Menopause generally refers to the 10-year period between the ages of 45 and 55.

A woman's body begins to lose ovarian function around the age of 40, and reaches menopause around the age of 50. Menopause is 10 years, including 5 years before and after the age of 50, when menopause occurs .

Since menopause varies from person to person, the age of menopause and menopause should be considered as a guideline.

When a woman's ovarian function declines, the secretion of estrogen (female hormone) decreases, causing hormonal imbalance and disturbance of the autonomic nervous system, resulting in physical and mental disorders. When the function of the ovaries begins to decline, the secretion of estrogen, which is one of the female hormones, also decreases. Then, the brain stimulates the ovaries to increase the secretion of estrogen, but because the ovarian function is declining, estrogen does not increase easily.

The stimulation from the brain increases steadily, and when the amount of stimulation exceeds a certain amount, the ovaries are overstimulated and a large amount of estrogen is secreted. Then, the stimulation from the brain suddenly stops, and estrogen suddenly drops. Fluctuations in these hormones disturb the hormonal balance and the autonomic nervous system, causing symptoms such as menopause. In addition, when estrogen is excessively released in the first half of the menstrual cycle, ovulation is accelerated, which causes irregular menstruation, such as the menstrual cycle. Trouble may come.

Physical and mental disorders that appear between the ages of 45 and 55 are called menopausal symptoms. And the late 30s to early 40s is sometimes called pre-menopausal, and the symptoms of menopause that I will introduce from now on may appear little by little.

Learn more about menopausal symptoms now.

menopausal symptoms

Hot flashes, hot flashes, sweating, and chills are common symptoms of menopause . In addition, dry eyes, dry mouth, back pain, gastrointestinal discomfort, itching, insomnia, dullness, irritation, and decreased bone density may occur.

In this way, when menopause begins, the balance of hormones and autonomic nerves is disturbed, and various symptoms appear.

In particular, when the autonomic nervous system is disturbed by the stress of family, work, nursing care, etc., the symptoms of menopause will become stronger, so be careful. If menopausal symptoms are so severe that they interfere with daily life, menopausal disorders may be diagnosed and treated.

The symptoms that appear during menopause differ from person to person, so if you have any concerns, we recommend that you consult a gynecologist without holding back.

Main treatment methods for menopause

I have explained the symptoms of menopause from what age. From here, we will introduce the treatment methods for menopausal disorders.

Treatment methods for menopausal disorders are mainly divided into the use of hormone replacement therapy and Chinese medicine, and in some cases, the use of anti-anxiety drugs and counseling. It is a good idea to consult with your gynecologist so that you can choose the treatment that best suits you.

hormone replacement therapy

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a treatment that replenishes estrogen that has decreased due to the decline of ovarian function. The hormone progesterone is also taken along with it, unless the uterus has been removed.

By replenishing estrogen, menopausal disorders can be treated from the root, and various disorders such as hot flashes, hot flashes, sweating, and insomnia can be expected to improve.

In addition, it can be expected to improve sexual pain caused by dry mucous membranes, reduce bad cholesterol, increase good cholesterol, and improve skin firmness and moisture by increasing collagen.

There are three types of estrogen to be replenished with HRT: oral medicine, patch medicine, and ointment, so it is recommended to consult with a doctor and choose according to your physical condition and constitution.

HRT is covered by insurance , and if HRT is performed to improve menopausal symptoms, the amount paid to a medical institution is about 3,000 yen per month. If you want to reduce treatment costs or want to improve menopause from the root, please consult a gynecologist about HRT.

Use of Chinese medicine

Kampo is often used when you cannot or do not want to use HRT, or when you have a lot of menopausal symptoms.

Kamishoyosan is the most famous herb used during menopause .

Kampo name

For someone like this


People who are concerned about dullness, irritability, and hot flashes

Saiko Karyu Kotsu Boreito

Those who have a strong sense of anxiety and cannot sleep


People who are sluggish or have weak stomach

Many other herbal remedies are also used. Kampo can be purchased at drugstores, but it is difficult to choose the Kampo that suits you, so it is better to consult a pharmacist or a registered seller.

There is also an online service that allows you to take a medical interview supervised by a doctor for free on LINE, and receive custom-made Chinese herbal medicine that suits you. If for some reason you do not have time to go to the hospital and would like to receive Chinese herbal medicine that suits you, consider ordering online.

▼ You can consult Kampo on LINE
Click here for a free consultation supervised by a doctor

About pre-menopause

"I'm not in menopause yet, but I have a slight fever, my body feels hot, I'm tired, and I'm irritated. I don't think I'm pregnant..." Such a person may be pre-menopausal.

From here, we will introduce the period and symptoms of pre-menopause.

What is pre-menopause

Pre-menopause is not a medically established concept, nor is it defined. However, in the late 30s to early 40s before the onset of menopause (45-55 years old) , symptoms such as irregular menstruation, uneven menstrual blood volume, premenstrual breakouts, dullness, and coldness may occur. This period is increasingly called pre-menopause .

As ovarian function declines with age, hormonal fluctuations can occur even in the late 30s, and these fluctuations produce menopause-like symptoms.

pre-menopausal care

In pre-menopause, not only menstrual problems but also hot flashes, sweating, sluggishness, irritability, and other symptoms similar to menopause may occur.

Pre-menopausal symptoms and daily stress can cause the autonomic nervous system to become disturbed, resulting in symptoms similar to menopause. Let's take care of it by taking a lot of rest and finding a way to refresh.

Also, if the symptoms of pre-menopause are difficult, they may be improved with a low-dose pill. Some people worry that the low-dose pill will make them gain weight, but there is little change in weight after using the low-dose pill. It is also possible to become pregnant if you stop using it.

In addition, herbal medicine may also be effective .
Kamishoyosan (when irritability and hot flashes are strong), Saiko-karyukotsu-yyosanto (when there is anxiety and difficulty falling asleep), and Kamikihito (when people with weak stomach and intestines feel sluggish) are often used. use.

Consult a doctor, pharmacist, or registered seller to choose the Kampo that suits you.

If the pre-menopausal symptoms are difficult, we recommend that you consult a gynecologist without putting up with it.

It is also important to review lifestyle habits for menopausal symptoms

It is good to use medicine to improve menopausal symptoms, but it is also recommended to review and improve your lifestyle habits.

I will introduce lifestyle habits that can be adopted immediately, so let's start from today.

Incorporate aerobic exercise

It is known that aerobic exercise, which many people take for health reasons, is also effective in improving menopausal symptoms . For those who are not good at exercise, it would be a good idea to start with walking, which is easy to start with, three times a week1).

In addition, it has been shown that adding one hour of running three times a week improves bone density, which declines after menopause2).

There are also research results that show that irritability can be improved by making exercise a habit after gaining knowledge about menopause.

review the diet

A well-balanced diet, especially Japanese food, is recommended for those suffering from menopausal symptoms .

Soybeans, which are often used in Japanese cuisine, contain isoflavones. Isoflavones are famous for their estrogen-like effects3).

In addition, research has shown that omega-3 fatty acids contained in salmon, tuna, and soybeans improve hot flashes associated with menopausal symptoms, and that eating whole grains (whole grains and brown rice), vegetables, and fruits has reduced awareness of stress. There are also studies3)4)5).

However, strict dietary restrictions are stressful and have the opposite effect, so it is good to be able to review your diet as much as possible. Even if you notice it, it's good to shift meat to soybeans and fish, and white rice to brown rice.

orderly life

A regular life is important to fix the autonomic nervous system, which is easily disturbed by menopause .

Try not to change your meal times and bedtime from day to day. Our internal clocks are set for longer than 24 hours, so we need sunlight in the morning to reset our internal clocks in order to go to bed at the same time every day.

Also, if you look at the light just before going to bed, your body clock will be off more and more. Warm colors are recommended for night lighting.

Try to live a regular life as much as possible and survive the menopause.


How did you find out about menopause, which is inevitable for women?

I would be happy if you could refer to it when you are wondering whether your disorder is due to menopause or pre-menopause.

Also, the key to improving symptoms of menopause and pre-menopause is to review your lifestyle habits, so please try to incorporate the contents of this article.

However, if the symptoms persist, it is recommended that you consult a gynecologist. Take care of your body and stay healthy.

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1) Can walking exercise programs improve health for women in menopause transition and postmenopausal? Findings from a scoping review. Menopause .

2) Kiyoko Miyauchi. Literature review on health education for menopausal women over the past 10 years.p7.2019 https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/kenkokyoiku/17/1/17_1_3/_pdf

3) Mark Messina.Soy foods, isoflavones, and the health of postmenopausal women.2014 https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/100/suppl_1/423S/4576564

4) Liu, Zhao-min PhD. Associations between dietary patterns and psychological factors: a cross-sectional study among Chinese postmenopausal women.2016 https://journals.lww.com/menopausejournal/Abstract/2016/12000/Associations_between_dietary_patterns_and.7. aspx

5) Liu, Zhao-min PhD. Associations between dietary patterns and psychological factors: a cross-sectional study among Chinese postmenopausal women.2016 https://journals.lww.com/menopausejournal/Abstract/2016/12000/Associations_between_dietary_patterns_and.7. aspx
