I want to know if I can get pregnant! Introducing the cost and content of infertility tests! Is it possible for singles and couples?
If you want to conceive but are unable to conceive, it is important to identify the cause of infertility rather than blindly trying and waiting. There are several tests to identify the cause, and it is relatively easy to test without hospitalization or surgery.
In addition, fertility treatment and examinations for it are covered by insurance, so it does not take a huge amount of money and time. Recently, there are many clinics specializing in infertility, and free online study sessions are also popular, so consider the subsequent treatment and choose the medical institution that suits you.
Find out in this article
- What is an infertility test?
- What kind of tests are there for women and men?
- How much does an infertility test cost? Does insurance apply?
- Where should I go for a fertility test? hospital? clinic?
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What is an infertility test?
An infertility test is a test to check for the presence or absence of factors that cause infertility . There are many causes of infertility, but the main ones are male factors, ovarian factors (ovulatory disorders), and fallopian tube factors.
If you want to get pregnant but have not been pregnant for more than a year, if you are a woman in your 30s or older and strongly want to get pregnant, or if you do not want to get pregnant now but want a child in the future A fertility test is recommended if you are thinking about it and want to know if you can conceive.
Contents of infertility test (female side)
Find out if there are any factors preventing pregnancy . Types of infertility tests for women include basal body temperature check, pelvic examination/transvaginal ultrasound, hysterosalpingography, blood test, laparoscopy, and MRI.
Check basal body temperature
The basal body temperature is the body temperature measured in bed with a female thermometer under the tongue after waking up in the morning. If you make a graph of your daily body temperature, you can see whether ovulation is occurring properly and the rough ovulation date.
If you graph your basal body temperature, you can clearly see that it is divided into two phases, and you can see the transition from the low temperature period to the high temperature period on the day of ovulation. Normally, if the temperature difference between the low temperature period and the high temperature period is 0.3-0.5 degrees, the transition from the low temperature period to the high temperature period lasts 1-2 days, and the high temperature period continues for 14 days, ovulation is occurring normally. can be said.
Pelvic examination/transvaginal ultrasound examination
Ultrasound is a test that shows the inside of the ovaries and uterus on a monitor.
It is possible to check the developmental state of follicles in the ovaries and the presence or absence of ovarian tumors. You can also predict the approximate ovulation date by the size of the follicle.
A pelvic examination allows us to know the general shape and size of the uterus, but an ultrasound can also confirm the presence or absence of uterine fibroids and endometrial polyps, as well as the condition of the endometrium.
In hysterosalpingography, a special thin soft tube (catheter) is used to inject a contrast medium into the uterus, and the shape of the uterus, the thickness of the fallopian tubes, and the presence or absence of adhesions are examined using X-rays. . The test itself will be completed in 5 to 10 minutes.
This test is performed between the end of menstruation and the day of ovulation. In many cases, this test makes the passage of the fallopian tubes smoother and leads to a natural pregnancy. Since 30% of female infertility is said to be due to fallopian tube factors, testing for tubal patency is the basis of infertility testing.
Blood test
Blood tests include hormone tests and tests for systemic diseases such as diabetes. Hormone tests measure the secretion of pregnancy-related hormones such as follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), prolactin (PRL), and estrogen (E2) secreted from the pituitary gland.
It also contains prolactin and thyroid hormone, which are thought to interfere with ovulation. Since female hormones change depending on the menstrual cycle, the test is divided into the menstrual and luteal phases.
Laparoscopy is an examination in which a thin camera is inserted through the navel to observe the inside of the abdominal cavity, and hysteroscopy is an examination in which a camera is inserted directly into the uterus to observe the state inside the uterus. It is possible to observe the condition inside the abdominal cavity, the inside of the uterus, and the condition of the entrance to the fallopian tubes. This test is used when a disease in the uterine cavity is suspected by ultrasonography or uterine tube formation test.
In addition, there are cases in which abnormalities that cannot be detected by ultrasonography or salpingography can be found by hysteroscopy, so hysteroscopy may be recommended in cases such as repeated miscarriages despite implantation. I have. A hysteroscopy is commonly done immediately after menstruation.
MRI examination
An MRI scan uses a strong magnetic force to create detailed pictures of the inside of the body. It is mainly used when there are tumors such as uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts. There is no exposure to radiation because no X-rays are used.
However, it cannot be used if you have a cardiac pacemaker, metal artificial heart valve, cochlear implant, or metal tooth.
Contents of infertility test (male side)
Infertility is not just a women's problem. If you start infertility testing, we recommend that you also test the man, as the problem can be on the man's side. For male infertility testing, an interview, physical examination, blood sampling, and urinalysis are performed at the first visit, and semen analysis and urological examination are generally used for infertility testing .
semen test
A semen analysis examines the amount of semen, concentration of sperm, motility, quality of motility, shape of sperm, presence or absence of infectious diseases, etc.
Semen is collected after a non-ejaculating period of 2 to 5 days, the so-called "abstinence period", placed in an inspection container and submitted to the inspection agency. If it takes a long time, the exact condition of the semen cannot be determined, so it is desirable to take it at a hospital if possible. When collecting at home, it is desirable to test within 2 hours after collection.
Urological examination
Urological tests include physical examinations, hormone tests (blood tests), ultrasonography, and other specialized tests. During the medical examination, we check the infertility-related disease, surgery history, sex life situation, the size and shape of the testicles, and the presence or absence of varicocele by palpation.
A blood sample is taken to check the secretion of hormones such as male hormones (testosterone) and gonadotropic hormones (LH, FSH) . In ultrasound, an echo probe is applied to the scrotum to observe the scrotum, spermatic cord, and testicles. Other tests such as MRI are also available.
Infertility test costs and hospitals/clinics
From April 2022, the cost of infertility treatment including in vitro fertilization and micro-insemination will be covered by insurance. However, you need to be careful as there are various conditions and rules.
Regarding male infertility tests, it seems that there are many places where the semen test is basically covered by insurance and costs about 1000 yen. In the past, there were many medical institutions that covered semen analysis only by insurance, but not covered by insurance when undergoing infertility tests for couples undergoing infertility treatment, but this will change from April 2022. There are many cases, so let's check in advance.
Regarding the cost of infertility examinations for women, blood sampling examinations (hormone examinations), infectious disease examinations, ultrasound examinations, and hysterosalpingography examinations have been covered by insurance, so you will have to pay 30% of them yourself, and the average cost will be about 1000-5000 yen.
Since April 2022, AMH testing (testing the number of follicles in the ovary) has become covered by insurance, but it is only covered by insurance if it is performed to determine the dosage in ovarian stimulation. If you want to check the ovarian reserve to see if you have it, you have to pay for it as before.
Also, please note that AMH may not be covered by insurance depending on the medical institution.
Some regions offer subsidies for infertility tests
From April 2020, "general infertility treatment" such as artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization and microinsemination will be covered by insurance.
Therefore, the government's infertility treatment subsidy system (300,000 yen for each infertility treatment for those under the age of 43), which was implemented as a transitional measure from January 2021, will end in March 2022. becomes. However, please check in advance because subsidies are often continued for treatments that started before insurance coverage started .
In addition, there are many local governments that can continue to use the subsidy system that was implemented independently by the local government. In some cases, there is a subsidy system with an upper limit of 50,000 yen (however, in vitro fertilization and microinsemination are not eligible for subsidies). Please check with your local government as the content of the subsidy differs depending on the municipality.
Hospitals and clinics where tests can be performed
I think there are many people who want to have a fertility test but don't know where to go. There are various medical institutions that conduct infertility tests, such as infertility clinics, reproductive medicine centers, general hospital gynecology departments, and obstetrics and gynecology departments.
The gynecology departments of most general hospitals conduct infertility tests, but when starting infertility treatment after the test, there are many hospitals that do not perform artificial insemination and only perform timing treatment and artificial insemination.
Also, some gynecologists and obstetrics and gynecologists do not offer male infertility tests. On the other hand, infertility clinics such as infertility clinics and reproductive medical centers specialize in infertility treatment, so the advantage is that you can continue treatment after the examination.
Most of the institutions perform in vitro fertilization, and on the contrary, there are clinics that do not perform timing treatment or artificial insemination. Infertility clinics are characterized by many types of tests and many options.
Many infertility clinics offer free “online study sessions”, so it might be a good idea to join them and listen to the atmosphere of the clinic and what the teacher has to say.
what you can do to stay healthy
In order to create a body that is easy to conceive, it is important to have a well-balanced diet, moderate exercise, sufficient sleep and rest, and a stable mind without stress .
For women, it is also important to monitor their basal body temperature to keep track of their menstrual cycles and to ensure that they have regular menstrual cycles. Try to avoid unreasonable diets and fatigue, as they can lead to amenorrhea and irregular menstruation. In addition, if blood circulation is poor, ovarian function will decline, so those who are sensitive to cold should try to improve.
Even in men, stress, excessive fatigue, and excessive alcohol consumption can affect male hormones, so try to keep a regular life.
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A few years after I started trying to get pregnant, I finally went to see a doctor because I couldn't get pregnant, but I was found to have a gynecological disease. There are many people.
The number of tests and treatments covered by insurance has increased, and it has become possible to think more positively about fertility treatment than before. let's
Costs and insurance coverage differ depending on the medical institution, so be sure to check in advance.
Pregnancy and childbirth are important life events for both women and couples. Choose a medical institution that suits your husband and wife, start by learning the cause of infertility, and then slowly and surely proceed together.