Slight fever before menstruation (PMS)|Symptoms and measures

If you have a low-grade fever or sluggishness that lasts for several days, you may be worried. Some people worry that something is wrong with them. Fever has many reasons. For example, when bacteria or viruses enter the body, a fever occurs to try to expel them. It may also generate heat when the ambient temperature is too high, such as in summer.

Did you know that there are other reasons that are unique to women? That's the slight fever you feel before menstruation . This time of year is also the time to be annoyed by PMS. In this article, we will tell you why you feel a slight fever before menstruation and how to deal with it.

Find out in this article

  • Why do you get a slight fever during PMS?
  • Can I take an antipyretic for mild fever?
  • What you can do everyday to reduce the symptoms of PMS

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Slight Fever During PMS (Before Menstruation)


One of the symptoms you feel before menstruation is low-grade fever, body sluggishness associated with low-grade fever, and malaise . This is a symptom that can occur in any woman who is ovulating.

This is because before menstruation, the body temperature is high, called the luteal phase. The luteal phase lasts about 14 days and can exceed 37°C in some people. In general, it is said that the basal body temperature rises by 0.3 to 0.6 degrees compared to the low temperature period, so people with a high body temperature may easily feel fever. Even if it is called a fever, it rarely exceeds 37.5 degrees, and most people have a slight fever in the low 37s.

Other symptoms of PMS include joint pain and nausea. However, if you have a fever of around 38 degrees, joint pain, or nausea to the point where you can't eat anything, it may not be caused by PMS, so you should see a medical institution as soon as possible.

Premenstrual PMS symptoms other than mild fever

PMS is an abbreviation for Premenstrual Syndrome, which is a wide variety of unpleasant symptoms that appear during the luteal phase before menstruation and diminish or disappear with the onset of menstruation.

PMS has a wide range of symptoms and can be broadly categorized into physical and psychological symptoms. Physical symptoms include lower abdominal pain, fatigue, headaches, and swelling, while mental symptoms include mood swings, irritability, and depression.

If you have a slight fever before menstruation, you will feel sluggish, malaise, and easy to get tired.

Is it okay to take fever reducers during PMS?

Few people take an antipyretic first when they have a low-grade fever in the low 37s. Generally speaking, the recommended temperature for using antipyretics is 38 degrees for adults. Most of the fever felt during PMS is in the low 37°C range, and it is rare to reach the high 37°C range. If you have a fever that makes you want to take an antipyretic, once suspect a cause other than PMS and visit a medical institution .

Pain similar to lower abdominal pain may appear with PMS. Antipyretics have the effect of suppressing pain, so if you have pain in the lower abdomen, you may want to use an antipyretic as an analgesic1).

If my doctor prescribed me pills to reduce my PMS symptoms, can I take them with other medicines? It has been reported that the pill weakens the effect of acetaminophen, which is one of the antipyretics, and strengthens the effect of the pill itself2).

Therefore , if you are taking the pill and take other medicines, consult your doctor instead of self-diagnosis .

Also read the following articles
Can PMS symptoms be relieved with the pill? The relationship between PMS and the pill

How to deal with fever (slight fever) felt before menstruation

Here, we will tell you how to deal with PMS on a daily basis.

First of all, as I mentioned earlier, before menstruation, body temperature rises due to the influence of hormones. There are individual differences in whether you feel hot or not, but let's understand that it is normal for your body temperature to rise. Also, by recording your basal body temperature, you can know when you are likely to have a fever.

It is also important to maintain a regular lifestyle, exercise, and avoid stress . It is also effective to refrain from caffeine and alcohol, and try to eat a diet rich in vitamin B6 and minerals1).

If the symptoms of PMS do not improve no matter how careful you are on a daily basis, taking the pill may alleviate the painful symptoms. When it's hard, don't be patient and consult a medical institution.


Fever can occur during PMS. It's just a slight fever. It is possible for any woman who is ovulating to have a rise in body temperature before menstruation due to the influence of female hormones.

After understanding that you may have a slight fever, it is important to take measures to prevent fatigue and stress from accumulating, such as not cramming yourself with too much work during that time and not scheduling unhurried appointments . It can also be an opportunity to review your diet and exercise habits.

However, if you have a low-grade fever that lasts for a long time other than before menstruation, or if you have an unbearable fever that exceeds 38 degrees Celsius, please consult a medical institution as it may be due to another disease.

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1) Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology: “Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinical Practice Guideline Gynecology Outpatient Edition” 174-176, 2020

2) Nahoko Shirato: “Diagnosis and Treatment of PMS and PMDD – Differentiation from Other Diseases –” 77:360-366, 2017 /77_360/_pdf/-char/ja

3) Japanese Pharmacopoeia: YAZ Combination Tablets Package Insert, 2020
