Menopausal Joint Pain Causes and Treatment

Many women in their 40s and 50s who are going through menopause suffer from joint pain, such as joint pain in the knees and fingers. Some of you reading this article may have been fine until then, but suddenly it hurts and you're in trouble.
When your joints hurt, you will not be able to move your body satisfactorily, and you will feel depressed mentally. If possible, I would like to treat the symptoms and live a healthy life. Why are you worried about such joint pain this time? what should I do? In order to solve this, we will explain the causes of menopausal joint pain and how to deal with it.

Find out in this article

  • Causes of joint pain during menopause
  • What to do when joint pain occurs
  • Selection of clinical department to be examined

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Menopause and joint pain

Before I tell you how to deal with joint pain, I will first talk about the relationship between menopause and joint pain. At first glance, some people may feel that menopause and arthralgia are not related, but there is actually a deep connection within the body at the hormonal level. Let's see what kind of relationship they have.

menopausal joint pain

Women in their 40s and 50s who reach menopause are at a time when their bodies and minds change significantly, and they are prone to various disorders. As one of them, there are people with knee and finger joint pain.
Female hormones not only prepare for pregnancy, such as menstruation, but also provide the vitality necessary for women to lead a lively life. In particular, estrogen, one of the female hormones, has the effect of maintaining the smoothness of joints, suppressing inflammation, and improving skin elasticity and luster.
However, during menopause, the secretion of female hormones becomes unstable or drops sharply. These "female hormone fluctuations" are the cause of joint pain.

Joint pain not caused by menopause

There are also joint pains caused by factors other than menopause, the most common of which are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. These diseases often occur in menopausal women and should be differentiated from joint pain associated with menopause as treatment methods are different.
These differences can be differentiated by performing joint X-ray examination, blood test, joint echo, etc. Menopausal joint pain is not always caused by hormones alone.
In particular, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis cause irreversible inflammation and deformation of joints as they progress. When symptoms appear, we recommend that you do not take it lightly and see a doctor just in case.

How to deal with menopausal joint pain

Now that you know what causes joint pain during menopause, let's talk about how to deal with it. Coping methods include treatment with medicine, improvement of lifestyle habits, and consultation with a doctor. Make sure that when pain appears, it can be dealt with quickly.


Since the joint pain that occurs during menopause is mainly caused by hormonal imbalance/deficiency, hormonal replacement therapy is effective to make up for the deficiency. In addition, hormone supplementation can be expected to improve various symptoms associated with menopause. There are various types of medicines used for treatment, such as oral medicines, patches, and ointments, so you can choose according to your lifestyle.
Also, if you do not want to take hormone therapy, you may be treated with herbal medicine or analgesics.

There is also an online service that allows you to take a medical interview supervised by a doctor for free on LINE, and receive custom-made Chinese medicine that suits you. If for some reason you do not have time to go to the hospital and would like to receive Chinese herbal medicine that suits you, consider ordering online.

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Also read the following articles
About menopause and Chinese medicine

life improvement

The easiest coping method to start is “review” and “improvement” of lifestyle habits. Hormone fluctuations are caused not only by menopause, but also by lifestyle habits such as lack of sleep, imbalanced nutrition, and lack of exercise.
First of all, let's try to have a regular and healthy life and do moderate light exercise. Even a 10-20 minute walk can be beneficial. If your knee hurts and you can't walk, it's good to step on the spot, raise and lower your knee while sitting in a chair, and bend and stretch.
If you don't move the joint just because it hurts, the joint will become stiffer and harder to move. Except when there are circumstances such as the doctor's stop being applied, it is better for the body to move slowly and little by little. In fact, orthopedic surgery often performs physical therapy rehabilitation as part of treatment.

Consult a doctor

If you want to consult a doctor about joint pain, it is better to consult an "orthopedic surgeon" first. Therefore, it is necessary to check whether the joint pain is due to another disease such as rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis mentioned above.
If you do not have other joint diseases and are not only suffering from joint pain, but also have menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and irritation, consider visiting an internal medicine doctor or a gynecologist.
Joint pain can have many causes. It is recommended that you see a doctor immediately if you notice not only pain but also symptoms such as stiffness, swelling, and misshapenness.


This time, I introduced "joint pain that occurs in menopause". During menopause, fluctuations in female hormones increase, and many people experience joint pain as a result.

  • Regular life (diet, exercise, sleep)
  • Treatment with drugs Consultation with a doctor
  • physical therapy rehabilitation

If you experience joint pain, here are some ways to deal with it. However, joint pain is not always caused solely by hormones. Keep in mind that there may be other causes as well. If you have any concerns, do not hesitate to consult your doctor.

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