PMS abdominal pain and how to deal with it |

More than 80% of menstruating women suffer from PMS (premenstrual syndrome), so many women suffer from PMS. The symptoms of PMS vary from person to person, and in severe cases, it can interfere with daily life.

Typical symptoms of PMS include headaches, rough skin, abdominal pain, nausea, irritability, and depression. This time, especially for those who are suffering from abdominal pain, let's explain the causes of abdominal pain and how to deal with it.

Find out in this article

  • Causes and characteristics of abdominal pain due to PMS
  • How to deal with stomach pain due to PMS
  • Countermeasures for abdominal pain caused by PMS

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Causes and characteristics of abdominal pain due to PMS

Abdominal pain in PMS is caused by a substance called prostaglandin, and if the symptoms are severe, the pain can be so severe that it is difficult to concentrate on work or housework, and it may cause diarrhea.

Prostaglandins cause the uterus to contract, but they also cause pain, inflammation and fever. Before menstruation, prostaglandins are secreted from the lining of the uterus, causing symptoms such as abdominal pain and lower back pain.

We also know that stress can make PMS worse. Be aware that stressful lifestyles can exacerbate PMS symptoms.

How to deal with abdominal pain due to PMS

What can be done to alleviate symptoms of PMS pain? Here are some ways to deal with PMS stomach pain. We will introduce how to deal with painkillers and Chinese medicine, so if you are suffering from symptoms, please try it.

Use of pain relievers

PMS abdominal pain can be treated with pain relievers. Take pain relievers as soon as possible before symptoms occur, rather than after they occur.

Painkillers can be expected to be effective for symptoms associated with physical pain, so they are also recommended for those who have severe headaches, low back pain, and lower abdominal pain in addition to abdominal pain.

If you suffer from PMS stomach pain, take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) pain relievers. For example, there are Loxonin, Aspirin, Bufferin, etc. Besides NSAIDs, Caronal can also be used.

However, if you continue to take painkillers for a long time, you may lose the balance of the autonomic nervous system, so be careful.

low dose pill

Low-dose pills are also recommended to alleviate PMS symptoms. Low-dose pills are tablets made of two types of female hormones (progesterone and estrogen), and are effective not only for PMS but also for dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, and contraception.

The low-dose pill has the effect of suppressing fluctuations in the female hormone balance due to the menstrual cycle, and by stabilizing the hormone balance, various symptoms of PMS can be alleviated. A low-dose pill is effective if you have severe abdominal pain that cannot be tolerated even with pain relievers.

Chinese medicine is also recommended

Abdominal pain of PMS can be alleviated by taking Chinese medicine.

PMS has various symptoms, but people with severe abdominal pain are caused by poor blood circulation. Therefore, taking Chinese medicine that improves blood circulation will improve your constitution and make it less likely that you will experience abdominal pain due to PMS.

Keishibukuryogan and Tokakujokito are generally recommended for PMS abdominal pain, but it is important to use Kampo according to the symptoms and constitution, so if you are concerned, consult your doctor or pharmacist. Try it.

There is also an online service that allows you to take a medical interview supervised by a doctor for free on LINE, and receive custom-made Chinese herbal medicine that suits you. If for some reason you do not have time to go to the hospital and would like to receive Chinese herbal medicine that suits you, consider ordering online.

Countermeasures for abdominal pain caused by PMS

It is important to adjust the female hormones in order not to cause PMS abdominal pain. Take moderate exercise, eat a well-balanced diet, and get enough sleep. Your diet should be rich in vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, and protein, and avoid fats and sugars as much as possible.

In addition, warming up the body will ease the stomach pain of PMS. The coldness of the body aggravates the symptoms of PMS, so let's be careful not only in winter but also in air conditioning and cold drinks in summer. It is also recommended to take food that warms the body such as ginger, honey, and herbal tea to warm the body.

Also read the following articles
how to balance female hormones


PMS symptoms vary from person to person, such as headaches, stomachaches, nausea, irritability, and depression. Among them, PMS abdominal pain is thought to be caused by a substance called prostaglandin and stress.

In order to alleviate the stomach pain of PMS, it is important to adjust the female hormone. Live a regular life and keep your hormones in balance. Also, the cold is the enemy of PMS, so please be conscious of not cooling your body.

Depending on the person, it may interfere with daily life, so when the symptoms are severe, do not overdo it and take pain relievers early. Alternatively, it is recommended that you visit a gynecologist and consult a doctor.

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