Does Stress Cause Heavy Menstruation? Other Possible Causes and Treatments

Are you worried that your menstrual cycle is short, but is it okay?

It may apply to "frequent menstruation", which is one of menstrual irregularities. The menstrual cycle is affected by stress and other factors, so there will be some deviations from month to month. However, it is important to see a doctor and receive appropriate treatment if your cycle is constantly deviating from a normal cycle.

In this article, we will explain the definition, causes, and treatment of frequent menstruation.

We will also introduce the criteria for deciding when to go to the hospital and what you should prepare for when you see a doctor, so please refer to it.

Find out in this article

  • What is polymenorrhea?
  • Causes of heavy menstruation
  • How to treat and improve frequent menstruation

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What is polymenorrhea?

Polymenorrhea is defined as a menstrual cycle of 24 days or less. It is one of menstrual irregularities, and menstruation is more frequent than normal.

A normal menstrual cycle is defined as 25-38 days. There is some variation between cycles, but if the intervals are shorter than 24 days each cycle, it can be said to be polymenorrhea. In addition, the duration of heavy menstrual bleeding varies, from 2 to 3 days, which ends quickly, to 10 to 14 days.

Symptoms similar to frequent menstruation include irregular bleeding from the genitals other than during menstruation. Frequent menstrual bleeding is characterized by bleeding at a fixed time every time, and irregular bleeding is characterized by bleeding at an inconsistent time.

Causes of heavy menstruation

Frequent menstruation is related to female hormone imbalance.

The menstrual cycle is controlled by the amount and balance of female hormones. And female hormones are easily disturbed by stress and age. I will also explain the possibility of illness in detail, so please refer to it.

Hormonal imbalance due to stress

Under the influence of stress, female hormones are likely to be disturbed, and frequent menstruation may occur.

Two hormones are involved in the menstrual cycle. The first is estrogen, which is secreted in the period from menstruation to ovulation, and the second is progesterone, which is secreted in the period from ovulation to the next menstruation. Both estrogen and progesterone are regulated by hormones produced by the brain.

Stress can destabilize estrogen and progesterone levels, which can lead to frequent menstruation.

For puberty and menopause

Puberty and menopause are times when female hormones are likely to be out of balance.

Most women experience menarche during puberty in middle school or high school. At the beginning of menstruation, the levels of estrogen and progesterone do not stabilize. During the period until the secretion of female hormones stabilizes, the menstrual cycle may not be arranged and frequent menstruation may occur.

In menopause, when many women reach menopause, the function of the ovaries declines and the balance of female hormones tends to be disturbed, so frequent menstruation may occur.

Also read the following articles
How to adjust female hormones that are easily disturbed

possible illness

Consider the possibility that a disease is lurking in heavy menstruation.

For example, luteal dysfunction. Not enough progesterone is produced after ovulation to thicken the lining of the uterus. As a result, the period from ovulation to menstruation becomes shorter, and the menstrual cycle becomes shorter.

In addition, luteal insufficiency can make implantation difficult during pregnancy and can make miscarriages more likely. If you do not wish to become pregnant, no special treatment is required, but if you wish to become pregnant, treatment such as progesterone supplementation is required.

In addition, there are multiple diseases that can cause frequent menstruation, but it is difficult to judge whether your frequent menstruation requires treatment or whether it is okay to wait and see. is recommended.

Treatment/improvement method

Treatment methods for frequent menstruation vary depending on individual circumstances, such as age and whether or not you want to conceive.

For example, if you have just started menstruating during puberty, it often improves naturally, so you may take a method to see how it goes.

For those who wish to become pregnant, after performing a hormone test, supplement the lack of hormones or use an ovulation inducer.

Menopausal women should be examined to rule out other diseases such as malignant tumors or endometriosis. If there are no problems, it is a natural change in hormone balance, so we will wait until menopause.

should i go to the hospital?

If you have frequent menstruation, it is advisable to visit a hospital or gynecologist at least once. It can be a symptom of luteal insufficiency, as described above, or other uterine, ovarian, or brain disorders.

Even if you are in puberty or menopause, don't assume that it's a time when your hormone balance is unstable. It is reassuring to know that other diseases are not hidden.

A basal body temperature chart is useful for observing hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle. If possible, take basal body temperature for 2 to 3 cycles and bring it with you when you see a doctor.


Frequent menstruation may be caused by mental and physical stress, but we cannot deny the possibility of diseases such as hormones, uterus, ovaries, and brain. It is safe to consult a gynecologist and undergo an examination without deciding that frequent menstruation is due to stress.

If you have frequent menstruation, there are various treatment options depending on your age, desire to conceive, and other factors. Talk to your doctor and make sure you are comfortable with the treatment.

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