Bleeding when you think your period is over...Introducing possible causes

I think there are women who have had such an experience when they think their period is over and they start bleeding again.
However, if you have bleeding other than menstruation, you may be worried.
In this article, we will discuss bleeding after menstruation.
We will also introduce what causes it and the possibility of illness, so if you are even a little uneasy, please refer to it.

  • How menstruation works
  • Possible causes of postmenstrual bleeding
  • About postmenstrual bleeding and illness

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What is Menstruation?

First, let me briefly explain menstruation.

Menstruation is a phenomenon that occurs to replace old uterine tissue in preparation for pregnancy. The uterus is a muscular mass with an inner lining called the endometrium. The lining of the uterus thickens little by little in response to female hormones, and after ovulation it becomes soft and fluffy in preparation for receiving a fertilized egg. If the fertilized egg implants in this fluffy lining, it becomes a pregnancy, but if it does not, the body changes the hormone balance and peels off the old lining of the uterus to replace it and expel it outside. This old endometrium peels off and falls off in a cycle of 25 to 38 days, roughly once a month, and this is called "menstruation." Menstrual blood is thick because it comes out not only with bleeding but also with the lining of the uterus that has fallen off.

Menstruation and ovulation are regulated by the secretion of two female hormones, estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen thickens the lining of the uterus and increases rapidly in the middle of the menstrual cycle, triggering ovulation. Progesterone is a hormone released after ovulation that prepares the lining of the uterus for implantation.

The duration of menstruation is usually 3-7 days. If it lasts for 2 days or less, it is called "prolonged menstruation", and if it lasts more than 8 days, it is called "prolonged menstruation".

Bleeding when you think menstruation (menstruation) is over...What is the cause?

Bleeding at times other than menstruation is called irregular bleeding. Here, we will explain the causes of abnormal genital bleeding and the criteria for determining the need to see a hospital.

First, functional bleeding due to hormonal imbalance, "ovulation period bleeding = intermediate bleeding" is considered. In humans, there is a period of time before ovulation when there is a temporary drop in estrogen levels. Bleeding may occur due to fluctuations in this natural hormonal balance, and this is called ovulation bleeding = interterm bleeding. This bleeding is physiologically natural and does not cause any problems and does not require medical attention. The point is that it happens about halfway through your cycle or a little earlier, and it doesn't repeat every time.

May be due to menopause

During menopause, the function of the ovaries declines due to aging, and the secretion of estrogen, a female hormone, decreases. Then, the body releases a large amount of hormones to stimulate estrogen secretion, which in turn causes a rapid secretion of estrogen. As a result, the hormone that stimulates estrogen secretion stops coming out, and estrogen decreases again. Changes in the body and mental aspects due to fluctuations in hormone balance are called menopausal disorders. This hormonal imbalance can cause the lining of the uterus to become unstable, bleeding from the surface and causing irregular bleeding.

Also read the following articles
Irregular bleeding due to menopause? What is the purpose of going to the hospital?

about possible illness

A medical condition may be hiding behind irregular bleeding.

Cancer can also cause irregular bleeding. Cervical cancer is a cancer that develops in the cervix at the entrance of the uterus, and in many cases there are few subjective symptoms in the early stages, but as it progresses, irregular bleeding may occur. It often occurs in people in their 30s and 40s, and it is also known as the “mother killer” because it coincides with pregnancy and childbirth.

On the other hand, endometrial cancer is more likely to occur during menopause after the age of 40-50. The uterine lining becomes cancerous, and it is said that the risk of canceration increases if the old uterine lining remains without peeling off in menopausal women or those who originally have irregular menstruation. Irregular bleeding is the most common symptom, and there are many cases in which people who think bleeding is due to menopause turn out to be endometrial cancer.

Irregular bleeding is one of the symptoms of each cancer, and in others, watery or dark brown discharge may continue. In addition, if you often have no menstruation for more than 3 months, considering the risk of cancer in the future, it may be desirable to have a treatment that causes regular menstruation with a pill or the like. If you have any concerns, please see a gynecologist as soon as possible.

Finally, cervical polyps . It is a disease in which "warts" called polyps appear around the entrance of the uterus. The cause is unknown, but it is said to occur in about 2-5% of women. It almost never becomes malignant, but it may bleed with a slight stimulus, and it may cause irregular bleeding.

If you suspect an illness, go to a gynecologist

Bleeding at times other than menstruation is irregular bleeding. Irregular bleeding can be bleeding from the vulva, vagina, or cervix.

There are various cases, such as physiologically natural interim bleeding and cases where a disease is hidden in the background, so if you are worried about irregular bleeding, we recommend that you see a gynecologist as soon as possible.


Irregular bleeding has various causes such as female hormone imbalance, uterine fibroids, cervical cancer, endometrial cancer, and cervical polyps.

If you have repeated irregular bleeding, it is recommended that you consult a gynecologist as soon as possible, rather than thinking that it is okay to self-diagnose.

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