Menopause and vertigo symptoms and treatment explained

It is said that dizziness increases during menopause.

The cause is often unknown, but hormonal changes may play a role.

In this article, we will introduce the possible causes of dizziness in menopausal women and how to deal with them.

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Symptoms of dizziness

woman holding her chest

Dizziness is one of the symptoms of menopause. Dizziness can be felt in a variety of ways, including spinning, lightheadedness, dizziness, and blackness in front of the eyes, and may be accompanied by nausea and cold sweats.

There are various causes, and it is often caused by disturbance of the autonomic nervous system due to stress, but it can also be caused by disorders of the brain, ears, and nerves.

Dizziness on standing up is also caused by low blood pressure.

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is dizziness caused by a disorder of the inner ear, characterized by dizziness induced by movement of the head in certain directions.

Many studies have shown that benign paroxysmal positional vertigo is more likely to occur in women, and it is believed that it may be caused by hormonal fluctuations that occur especially during menopause1).

How long does menopause dizziness last


Symptoms of menopause, including dizziness, generally subside around the age of 50. Although there are individual differences in how long it takes to settle down, it is thought that the body needs to adjust to the sudden drop in female hormones that occurs during menopause.

Menopausal symptoms are said to be caused by fluctuations and decreases in female hormones. can also cause menopausal-like symptoms.

What department should I see for menopausal dizziness?

medical examination

If you experience dizziness during menopause, the first thing you should do is see an otolaryngologist.

Before thinking that dizziness is due to menopause, it is important to be diagnosed with the possibility of an actual ear abnormality such as Meniere's disease, vestibular neuritis, or other typical diseases that cause dizziness.

If there is no abnormality in the ears or brain and dizziness due to menopause is suspected, it is recommended to visit an obstetrics and gynecology department or a menopausal outpatient clinic that specializes in menopause.

Drug treatment for symptoms of menopause

woman with medicine and cup

In addition to dizziness, menopause symptoms include hot flashes, sweating, shortness of breath, palpitations, and insomnia. Drug treatments for menopausal symptoms include hormones, Chinese herbal medicines, anti-anxiety drugs, and sleeping pills.

Hormone drugs are used in hormone replacement therapy to replace female hormones that are deficient during menopause. Hormone replacement therapy is effective against hot flashes and sweating, which occur during menopause2).

In addition to medicines prescribed by a doctor, there are over-the-counter medicines in Chinese herbal medicines that help balance the mind and body and alleviate various symptoms of menopause.

Sleeping pills and anti-anxiety drugs are used for mental symptoms such as irritability and depression.

Incorporating Chinese herbal medicine may lead to alleviation of various symptoms

Taking herbal medicine is also effective for painful dizziness symptoms. Kampo medicine comprehensively reviews various things such as the person's constitution and lifestyle, and gradually improves symptoms from the inside of the body. There are various herbal medicines, but the herbal medicines that are effective for the symptoms of dizziness are as follows.

  • Takushatou: First choice for dizziness
  • Ryoukeijutsukanto: Dizziness caused by menopause
  • Rokumijiogan: Vertigo caused by aging and stress

There are individual differences in the symptoms of dizziness, and it is necessary to take Chinese herbal medicine that matches the symptoms . Kampo medicine gradually improves the symptoms, so it is easy to incorporate it into your life, so if you want to alleviate the symptoms little by little, please consult your doctor or pharmacist.

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hormonal imbalance

Vertigo is common not only in menopause but also in young women.

Women experience hormonal balance changes, such as hormonal fluctuations due to the menstrual cycle and a sudden drop in hormones during menopause. Disturbance of the autonomic nervous system caused by hormonal imbalance and stress are thought to be the causes of dizziness.

If dizziness occurs suddenly, rest first. If dizziness persists, or if symptoms such as severe headache, nausea, or numbness in the limbs are accompanied, immediate medical attention is required. Go to an emergency outpatient clinic or see a nearby internal medicine/otolaryngologist.

Women may also experience dizziness and lightheadedness due to anemia. If you have heavy menstrual flow and cannot fit in just one pair of shorts during the day, or if you wake up many times to change shorts or pads at night, check for uterine fibroids or other diseases that cause heavy menstrual flow. We recommend that you see a gynecologist as soon as possible.

Also, as mentioned above, dizziness may occur due to disturbance of the autonomic nervous system and stress. In that case, it is important to avoid stress as much as possible, ensure sufficient sleep time, and release stress through moderate exercise and hobbies.

Also read the following articles
I want to solve the insomnia of menopause! How to improve your sleep quality


Menopausal dizziness and drug treatment were introduced.

Young women can also experience dizziness due to hormonal changes.

Regardless of your age, if dizziness persists, see your doctor.

If you don't know if your hormone balance is disturbed, it is recommended to have an examination at a gynecologist or try a canvas test kit.

Check out the canvas inspection kit here .

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1) Seong-Hae Jeong.Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo Risk Factors Unique to Perimenopausal Women.2020

2) Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Estrana Tape 0.72mg Interview Form 2020
