Female Hormone Balance and Food | Introducing Female Hormone Changes and Age

Female hormones that change with age. With that change comes changes in your body.

In this article, we will discuss the changes in female hormones.

We will also explain foods that may cause fluctuations in female hormones, so please refer to it if you want to improve female hormone imbalances from your diet.

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Changes in Female Hormones and Age

The amount of female hormones secreted varies with age, and although there are individual differences, it peaks around the mid-twenties and decreases as you age.

First, let’s take a closer look at the amount of female hormones secreted by age and how they affect the body.

Please check where you fit in and use it as a reference when considering what kind of food you should take in order to regulate female hormones.

Puberty (10-18 years old)

Female hormones increase from around the age of 12, when menarche occurs, to maturity. With the onset of menstruation, some women may begin to suffer from menstrual-related problems such as menstrual cramps and irregular menstruation. When menstruation begins, it tends to be irregular, and it takes about 5 years to become regular.

Also, around this time, the body shape begins to change, and fat tends to accumulate around the thighs. Puberty is a period of physical maturation under the influence of female hormones.

Mature (18-45 years old)

During maturity, female hormones continue to increase until the mid-20s, reaching a peak in the mid-20s to early 30s. After peaking in the late 30s, female hormones continue to decrease gradually, and continue to decrease thereafter.

During the maturity period, the menstrual cycle is stable and the secretion of female hormones is also stable, so it is a suitable period for pregnancy and childbirth. However, it is necessary to be careful because the risk of developing female-specific diseases such as uterine fibroids and endometriosis increases due to the relationship with female hormones.

Menopause (age 45-55)

After the age of 45, the amount of female hormones secreted drops sharply, and the decrease in female hormones disrupts the menstrual cycle and leads to menopause. Many people reach menopause at the average age of 50.5, and the total of 10 years of 5 years before and after is called menopause.

Menopause is a time when many people suffer from symptoms such as hot flashes, dizziness, headaches, irritability, emotional instability, and thinning hair due to fluctuations in female hormones. This is called menopausal symptoms, and many women suffer from menopausal symptoms.

Also read the following articles
When does menopause start? Introduction to pre-menopause and symptoms

Incorporating Chinese herbal medicine may lead to alleviation of various symptoms

Taking herbal medicine is effective for painful menopausal symptoms. Kampo medicine comprehensively reviews various things such as the person's constitution and lifestyle, and gradually improves symptoms from the inside of the body. There are various herbal medicines, but the herbal medicines that are effective for menopausal symptoms are as follows.

  • Kamishoyosan: Depression, irritation, hot flashes, hot flashes, etc.
  • Toki shakuyakusan: Tendency to coldness and anemia
  • Keishibukuryogan: Hot flashes, headache, lower abdominal pain, etc.

There are individual differences in menopausal symptoms, and it is necessary to take Chinese herbal medicine that matches the symptoms . Kampo medicine gradually improves the symptoms, so it is easy to incorporate it into your life, so if you want to alleviate the symptoms little by little, please consult your doctor or pharmacist.

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Foods that disturb and regulate the balance of female hormones

The main foods that disturb the balance of female hormones are instant foods and cold drinks1). Additives are used in instant foods, and the additives have the function of depriving the body of minerals and suppressing the secretion of growth hormone.

Cold drinks cool the body and cause disturbances in the autonomic nervous system. The disturbance of the autonomic nerve causes the disturbance of female hormones.

In addition, excessive intake of caffeine, excessive dieting, and meals with poor nutritional balance can disturb the balance of female hormones, so be careful2).

On the other hand, foods containing soy isoflavones, which act similarly to female hormones, are effective in regulating fluctuations in female hormones that occur during menopause and pre-menopause.

Fluctuations in female hormones due to aging are largely due to the decline in ovarian function, and soy isoflavones compensate for the work of the ovaries.

Foods rich in soy isoflavone include natto, tofu, and soy milk, and the recommended daily intake of soy isoflavone is 70-75 mg. In order to take 70-75mg of soy isoflavone, for example, you need to take 2 packs of natto, a block of tofu, and 2 packs of soy milk (200g).

The more you eat, the better, so be careful not to eat too much of the same food in order to maintain nutritional balance.

Lifestyle habits are important for regulating female hormones

It is important to adjust your lifestyle to adjust female hormones. In addition to eating a well-balanced diet, get enough sleep and exercise moderately to move your body. It is recommended that you sleep for 6 to 8 hours as a guide, and when you wake up, you should bathe in the light of the sun to regulate your autonomic nerves. And moderate exercise promotes blood flow activation and metabolism, and has a positive effect on hormone balance.

Try to be conscious of trimming female hormones instead of increasing them. Eat a well-balanced diet by reducing convenience store meals and instant foods, lead a regular life, and adjust your female hormones.


If you are feeling unwell due to changes in hormone balance, it may be a good idea to review your eating habits.

Also, if you are concerned about your estrogen levels or are concerned about your hormone balance, please use our hormone test kit canvas, which allows you to self-check your hormone balance at home.

Check out the canvas inspection kit here .

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1) Noll PRES, et al. Life habits of postmenopausal women: Association of menopause symptom intensity and food consumption by degree of food processing. 2022 https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35033227/

2) Faubion, Stephanie.Caffeine and menopausal symptoms.2015 https://journals.lww.com/menopausejournal/Abstract/2015/02000/Caffeine_and_menopausal_symptoms__what_is_the.7.aspx
