What causes nausea and stomach upset during menopause? Introducing herbal medicines and acupuncture points for coping
Do you experience nausea and stomach ache during menopause? Symptoms similar to morning sickness may appear, and some people may be spending anxious days. Here, we will introduce the causes of nausea and stomach upset during menopause and how to relieve nausea. It also lists what departments should be examined in what cases. Menopausal mild nausea can be relieved with Chinese medicine and acupuncture points, so try to incorporate them into your daily life as much as possible.
Find out in this article
- Causes of nausea during menopause
- how to deal with nausea
- When should you go to the hospital
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What is menopause
Menopause is defined as the period of transition from reproductive to non-reproductive as women age, and refers to a total of 10 years, five years before and after menopause1 ). During menopause, menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, stiff shoulders, dizziness, and irritability may appear. Such symptoms are said to be caused by a combination of physical changes, psychological factors, and social factors, in addition to decreased ovarian function1). One of the many symptoms of menopause is nausea.
[Cause] Why does nausea and stomach upset occur during menopause?
When ovarian function declines during menopause, estrogen, the female hormone, is less likely to be produced even if the brain receives instructions. If so, the brain continues to issue further instructions. This leads to hormonal balance and autonomic nervous system disturbances. The gastrointestinal tract is an organ in which the relaxed parasympathetic nervous system dominates. Excessive commands from the brain disrupt the balance of the autonomic nervous system, and when the sympathetic nervous system becomes dominant, it manifests as gastrointestinal upset and nausea. In addition, an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system can cause symptoms such as headaches and dizziness.
[40s? 50s?] How long does menopausal nausea last?
Many people wonder how long menopausal nausea will last. When the body gets used to the sudden decrease in female hormones, it is common to settle down little by little. Menopause refers to the five years before and after menopause for a total of 10 years, so menopausal nausea generally appears in the late 40s to early 50s. However, the symptoms of menopause vary greatly among individuals, and there are also large variations in age. Just because menopause symptoms appear early doesn't mean it will end early. Symptoms that go unnoticed when you're tense can suddenly appear, or stress can make your nausea worse over time.
How to relieve menopause nausea
Now that you understand why menopausal nausea occurs and how long it lasts, we'll show you how to improve menopausal nausea. We will tell you what you can do in a little time in your daily life and how to treat it using Chinese medicine.
improve your diet
During menopause, the balance of the autonomic nervous system is disturbed, and little things in everyday life can easily trigger problems. Therefore, let's review the lifestyle that is the foundation of making a body. Menopausal disorders can be prevented by reviewing daily exercise habits and keeping a balanced diet in mind2 ). Isoflavones contained in equol and soy products act like female hormones. Try to get it through food and supplements. Continuing equol has been reported to reduce the risk of developing arteriosclerosis and bone fractures caused by decreased female hormones3).
press the pressure point
We will introduce effective points for gastrointestinal disorders such as nausea and stomach upset. Chukan, which is located in the middle of the plexus and navel, and Tensu, which is three fingers away from the navel, activate the functions of all internal organs and improve gastrointestinal disorders. In addition, the Rokyu, which is located in the center of the palm, is said to be effective for nausea and loss of appetite. When pressing the pressure point, slowly press it for 3 seconds and release it for 3 seconds, and repeat this action about 5 times.
get a prescription for herbal medicine
If you experience nausea that interferes with your daily life, or if you are unable to eat, seek medical attention as soon as possible. We specialize in gynecology and women's clinics. Tokishakuyakusan, Kamishoyosan, and Keishibukuryogan, which are called the three major gynecological drugs, are herbal medicines that are often prescribed for menopause. 2). If you have a piercing stomach pain or abdominal pain, it may not be due to menopause, so see a gastroenterologist.
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Menopause hits everyone. However, the type and degree of menopausal symptoms, as well as age, vary greatly among individuals, and the reality is that many people suffer alone. Hot flashes, irritation, and stiff shoulders are often mentioned, but nausea is also one of the symptoms that can occur during menopause. If nausea and an upset stomach continue to be painful, don't put up with it too much and consult a gynecologist as soon as possible. Also, if you experience stabbing pain or severe abdominal pain, it may not be caused by menopause, so please consult a medical institution immediately in that case.
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1) Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology: “Obstetrics and Gynecology Practice Guidelines – Gynecology Outpatient Edition 2020”, 2020 https://www.jsog.or.jp/activity/pdf/gl_fujinka_2020.pdf
2) Keiko Miyagami: “Recent Management of Menopause,” Showa Gakushikai, Vol. 77, No. 4, 367-373, 2017 https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/jshowaunivsoc/77/ 4/77_367/_pdf/-char/en
3) Remi Yoshikata: ``Effects of Equol Supplement on Bone and Cardiovascular Parameters in Middle-Aged Japanese Women: A Prospective Observational Study'', Journal of Integrative and Complementary Medicine, Vol. 24, No. 7, 701-708, 2018 https: //www.liebertpub.com/doi/10.1089/acm.2018.0050