Are there any NGs or contraindications to drinking herbal medicines that can solve women's troubles?

There are several ways to improve women-specific symptoms caused by female hormone imbalance, such as irregular menstruation, menstrual pain, and menopausal symptoms. Chinese herbal medicine is also said to be one of the coping methods that can be expected to be effective in alleviating these symptoms. However, when taking several herbal medicines and medicines, some people may feel uneasy about taking them together.

Therefore, in this article, for those who want to know how to combine herbal medicines, I will explain recommended herbal medicines and combinations for women . We will also introduce how to deal with when you are worried about drinking together, so if you are thinking about taking herbal medicine, please refer to it.

Find out in this article

  • Chinese herbal medicines recommended for women and their effects
  • combination of herbal medicines
  • Effects of bad drinking habits
  • How to deal with bad drinking habits

What is herbal medicine combination?

Mixing herbal medicines means taking different types of herbal medicines in combination, or taking over-the-counter medicines, supplements, herbs, etc. together with herbal medicines.

In general, Kampo medicines are considered to have a lower risk of side effects than over-the-counter drugs, but depending on the combination of drugs, side effects may occur or the effects may be too strong . Conversely, there are cases in which the effects of herbal medicines are weakened by taking them together. Therefore, when taking multiple herbal medicines or taking them in combination with other medicines, be sure to check with your doctor or pharmacist to make sure there are no problems with taking them together.

Herbal medicine recommended for women and list of combinations

There are several herbal medicines that can be expected to be effective for symptoms specific to women, such as menstrual pain, menopause, and irregular menstruation . We will explain recommended herbal medicines for women, their effects, and their combination, so if you are considering using herbal medicines, please refer to them.

Types and effects of herbal medicines recommended for women

Below is a list of herbal remedies that are recommended for those who are suffering from symptoms specific to women.

herbal medicine name Effects and main symptoms
  • Those who are physically weak, tend to be anemic or sensitive to cold, and get tired easily
  • Effective symptoms: Menstrual disorders, menstrual pain, menopausal disorders, prenatal and postnatal symptoms, dizziness, lightheadedness, chilblains, etc.
  • Those who have relatively physical strength and are severely irritated due to menstrual pain and menstrual pain accompanied by coldness.
  • Effective symptoms: Menstrual disorders, menstrual pain, menopausal disorders, hot flashes, coldness, stiff shoulders, dizziness, etc.
  • Those who have moderate or less physical strength, get tired easily, and have mental symptoms such as irritability and mental anxiety
  • Effective symptoms: Irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, menopause, irritability, mental anxiety, coldness, etc.
  • Those who have moderate physical strength or more and have a flushed face
  • Effective symptoms: irritability, mental anxiety, dizziness, palpitations, etc. caused by menopausal disorders and hormonal disturbances
  • Those with moderate physical strength and a feeling of choking in the throat
  • Effective symptoms: irritability, depression, dizziness, palpitations, etc.
  • Those who have moderate physical strength or more and tend to be constipated
  • Effective symptoms: Menstrual irregularities, dysmenorrhoea, menstrual pain, anxiety during menstruation and after childbirth, constipation, back pain, etc.

It is important to use Chinese herbal medicines that are suitable for each symptom and constitution . If you do not know which Kampo medicine is right for you, consult your doctor or pharmacist before purchasing.

List of herbal medicine combinations recommended for women

We have compiled a list of herbal medicines recommended for women that require caution.

Drinks that require caution
  • Preparations containing licorice
  • Preparations containing glycyrrhizic acid and its salts
  • Other laxatives (laxatives)

Even if it is not listed in the above list, there are cases where you need to be careful depending on your physical constitution and medical history, so if you are worried, consult your doctor or pharmacist .

Other | Drinking together with herbal medicine

In addition to herbal medicines such as supplements, foods, and herbs, there are some things to be aware of when drinking together.

  • Health foods and supplements containing herbal medicines
  • Supplements containing licorice

Herbal medicines and licorice are also included in herbal medicines, so if you take more supplements or health foods, you will overdose.

In addition, if you take herbal medicine with juice, coffee, or green tea, it may affect herbal medicine, so be sure to take it with water or plain hot water .

Effects on the body when herbal medicines are not mixed well

Inadequate use of herbal medicines can have adverse effects on the body. Be careful not only to weaken the effect of herbal medicine, but also to exacerbate the symptoms, such as causing excessive action and side effects . I will explain what kind of negative impact it has specifically.

less effective

There are cases in which the effectiveness of this medicine is weakened by the ingestion of medicines that do not mix well with herbal medicines. Be careful, as the ingredients may react with each other by taking them together, and the effectiveness of the herbal medicine may be weakened or lost .

It is important to take Kampo medicines in the correct combination in order to improve the symptoms you are concerned about.

overdose occurs

If the combination of Chinese herbal medicines is bad, the ingredients may react with each other and cause excessive effects. If the effect of Kampo medicine is too strong, the symptoms may worsen, so be careful .

There is a high possibility that overdose effects will occur, especially if you take Chinese herbal medicines or medicines that contain similar ingredients or have the same effect. (Example: Mixing Kakkonto with over-the-counter cold medicine) If you are using other herbal medicines or medicines, we recommend that you consult your doctor.

side effects occur

Chinese herbal medicines are said to be less likely to cause side effects, but if taken improperly, side effects such as eczema, nausea, and aggravation of symptoms may occur . In the unlikely event that symptoms that are suspected to be side effects occur, it is recommended that you immediately stop taking herbal medicines and medicines that have been taken with herbal medicines and consult a doctor.

Be aware of contraindications or precautions for concomitant use of Kampo medicines and drugs that may cause side effects, and take Kampo medicines correctly.

What to do when you are worried about taking herbal medicines together

I will explain what to do when you are uneasy about taking herbal medicines together. In order to use Kampo medicines with peace of mind, please refer to those who are uneasy about taking Kampo medicines together .

Be careful with the amount and number you use

It is important to use herbal medicines in the proper manner and dose . Don't increase the amount you drink on your own just because you don't feel much effect.

In addition, please consult your doctor or pharmacist in advance when taking other types of Kampo in addition to the Kampo medicines you are currently taking. It is recommended that you listen to the opinions of experts rather than self-diagnosing, as there may be adverse effects depending on the combination of drinks.

Check herbal medicine by writing it in the medicine notebook

In order to check the interaction with other herbal medicines and medicines, be sure to write it in your medicine notebook when you are prescribed herbal medicines. At pharmacies and hospitals, when you get a prescription for Chinese herbal medicine, show your medicine notebook and check if there are any problems with drinking together .

If you list the herbal medicines in your medicine notebook, your doctor or pharmacist will be able to prescribe herbal medicines after confirming that you are taking them together. Even if the herbal medicine has the same name, the content will be slightly different depending on the manufacturer such as Kracie or Tsumura. The manufacturer will also be able to refer to it when prescribing it by listing it in the medicine notebook.

Consult your doctor or pharmacist before drinking

Kampo medicines can be purchased at pharmacies and drugstores, but if you are unsure about taking them together, consult your doctor or pharmacist before using them.

If you start taking Kampo medicines on your own judgment, there is a possibility that you will have adverse effects if you take them together badly, so if you have regular medicines, consult your doctor or pharmacist.

Chinese herbal medicines can be purchased not only in physical stores, but also online these days. When purchasing Kampo medicines online, there is a service that allows you to consult a pharmacist about the medicines you are currently taking.

▼ You can consult Kampo on LINE
Click here for a free consultation supervised by a doctor


Kampo medicine is one of the treatments that can be expected to be effective for symptoms caused by hormonal disturbances such as irregular menstruation, menstrual pain, and menopausal disorders. In general, Kampo medicines are thought to have few side effects, but they may have adverse effects on the body depending on how they are taken together.

In order to use Kampo medicines with peace of mind, be aware of the usage, dosage, and types of Kampo medicines, and write them in your medicine notebook so that you can check them. Also, if you have even a little bit of anxiety, don't judge yourself and consult your doctor or medicine.
